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Základní dokumenty BJB v ČR

Události: Ohlasy ve světě na odmítnutí BJB církevních restitucí
Posted on Pondělí, 18. březen 2013 @ 23:01:04 CET Vložil: Benjamin

BJB v médiích poslal Nepřihlášený

Výběr ohlasů na odmítnutí Bratrské jednoty baptistů církevních restitucí ve světě:

What do you do if the government offers you a lot of money to make up for a past wrong? If you're Baptists in the Czech Republic, you turn down the generous offer.

The Czech Baptist Union has definitively decided not to accept any financial compensation from the state under the law on return of property to churches, its chairman Milan Kern told CTK today. He said the union suffered negligible direct property wrongs under the communists and it wants to return to the historical practice of self-funding. The Baptists came to the territory of the current Czech Republic 120 years ago and they have some 2500 active members. According to the law, the union was to get a 227 million crown compensation. Kern said the system of state subsidies was forced on them under the communists and it is entirely unique in the world. He said the church counts with that the state subsidies paid out to them will be gradually lowered like to the other 16 churches over the next 17 years under the law even though they will not sign the contract with the government. Kern said the money that will not be paid to the union will remain to the state. "Naturally, we count with this. We do not even make full use of the law-embedded possibility [of state funding] now. About one third of our organisations are self-funded out of their own decision," Kern said. The Baptists are financed mainly from gifts and they collect money during Sunday divine services. ($1=10.344 crowns).

BREAKING NEWS: The Baptists were the only church that refused to sign the accord, saying they preferred to fund their activities with contributions from members. Baptists were to receive some 228 million koruna ($11.8 million), said Milan Kern, who heads the 2,500-member Baptist Union in the Czech Republic.

Die tschechischen Baptisten haben freiwillig auf eine solche finanzielle Zuwendung verzichtet.

Unter den betroffenen Religionsgemeinschaften unterzeichnete nur die Baptistengemeinde die Vereinbarung nicht, da sie, wie aus einem Statement hervorgeht, sich lieber durch Mitgliedsbeiträge finanziere. Laut der Vereinbarung hätte die Baptistengemeinde Anspruch auf circa 228 Millionen Koruna (11,8 Millionen USD), so Milan Kern, der den 2.500 Mitgliedern der Baptist Union in Tschechien vorsteht.

Người Báp-tít là nhà thờ duy nhất từ chối ký hiệp định, nói rằng họ thích để tài trợ cho các hoạt động của họ với sự đóng góp từ các thành viên. Baptists đã nhận được một số 228 triệu koruna (11.800.000 $), cho biết Milan Kern, người đứng đầu các thành viên 2.500 Baptist Union tại Cộng hòa Séc.

Los Bautistas no aceptarán compensaciones financieras del Estado Checo

La Iglesia Bautista checa no aceptará las compensaciones financieras de parte del Estado Checo por los bienes que le fueron confiscados durante el comunismo. Los Bautistas dieron a conocer su decisión frente a las retribuciones financieras este viernes. Según la normativa sobre las restituciones a las Iglesias, los Bautistas podrían haber recibido unos nueve millones de euros. La Iglesia Bautista checa, que cuenta con unos 3.000 seguidores y que en el futuro quiere autofinanciarse, opina que las restituciones incitan en los ciudadanos un rechazo de la religión en general.

Příbuzné odkazy
· Více o BJB v médiích
· Novinky od Benjamin

Nejčtenější článka o BJB v médiích:
Petr Coufal pro Parlamentní listy: Není náš úkol hromadit majetek

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